Just some thoughts from a mom, wife, youth worker, teacher who is plain lovin' life!!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Halloween Rocks!!
Aren't they precious...one mermaid princess and one rockin' little witch. I don't understand why you would miss this fun - Jesus has to be smiling at the joy on those faces! :)
I'm blessed to be the wife of the coolest guy on the planet (even if he does drive me a bit nuts now and again!!) and the mom to the two most beautiful, intelligent, talented, little girls anywhere (proud... who me??). We also have a "schnorkie-poo" (can you say hybrid of a hybrid?!?!) named Jet who we just adore!! God has also blessed me with the opportunity to be a Youth Minister (in partnership with my husband and some of my best friends!!) at the best church anywhere. I get to hang out with 50 or so really neat kids and I love every one of them as if they were mine! Basically, I believe that God Rocks and Jesus Christ is the man!!
Awwww! Aren't they cute?!
WELCOME TO THE BLOGGIN' COMMUNITY!!!! :) Your kids are darling, but then again---you knew that, didn't you???
I'm going to throw you some traffic from ETJ tomorrow, okay?
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