My family got a very special Christmas present this year...a brand new baby! My sister had her 2nd daughter this morning at 7:40 am and she is a beauty - don't you think!?!?
I taught the kids in our church about the Nativity Story this past week and it hit especially close to home with my sister being so close to delivering her own little bundle of joy! What an amazing sacrifice Mary made to bring Jesus to earth for all of us! I don't believe that Mary is one that we should worship - that should be reserved for our God and our Savior. I do, however, believe that she is most worthy of our great respect and appreciation. I mean - not only did she risk her reputation, but she risked her life to bring this little one into the world! Most women in her situation - pregnant and unmarried - were stoned to death in that time. In fact, Joseph deserves a great deal of our thanks and respect, as well, because all it would have taken would have been a word from him and the community would have quickly stoned Mary without a second thought!
In addition - Mary and Joseph made the trek to Bethlehem which would not have been an easy one in the most ideal circumstances - much less with a woman who was 9 months pregnant! I mean - she rode a donkey for heavens sake! I can remember riding in a car being a bit miserable at that point in pregnancy...a donkey had to be nearly unbearable. She slept on the hard ground in the elements throughout the trip. I had an awesome quilted mattress during both of my pregnancies, but comfort was not easy to find even so! And then forget any cravings...she ate what they could carry and cook on a campfire - no midnight milkshake runs for her! To top it all off, she went through the toughest thing a woman can do - labor and delivery in a CAVE! I know some women insist on a natural birth, but Mary was the realest of the real women!! :)
Anyway, I'm thrilled to be a new aunt and so happy for my sister. The whole experience here at Christmas time really gave me a new understanding and respect for Jesus' mother - pretty cool!!
Hope everyone had a very blessed Christmas - I know we did!! :)